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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - up


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~1 adv 1 towards a higher position from the floor, ground, or bottom of something  (She picked her pen up off the floor. | Can you lift that box up onto the shelf for me? | After swimming for several seconds underwater he came up for air. | up you come spoken (=used especially to children when lifting them)) 2 at or in a high position  (John's up in his bedroom. | The plane was flying 30,000 feet up.) 3 into an upright or raised position  (Everyone stood up for the National Anthem. | Mick turned his collar up against the biting winds.) 4 in or towards the North  (We're going to fly up to Scotland from London. | They live up North.) 5 towards someone so that you are near, or in the place where they are  (He came right up and asked my name. | A man sidled up to her and asked for money.) 6 increasing in loudness, strength, level of activity etc  (Can you turn the telly up a bit? | Competition between these two companies is really hotting up.) 7 so as to be completely finished or used so that there is nothing left  (Our savings are all used up. | She won't eat up her vegetables.) 8 so as to be in small pieces or divided into equal parts  (They divided up the money. | The plane hit the mountainside and broke up on impact.) 9 so as to be firmly fastened, covered, or joined  (Mr Cain was boarding up the windows.) 10 so as to be brought or gathered together  (Let's just add up these figures quickly. | Could you collect up the pens?) 11 if a surface or part of something is a particular way up, it is on top  (right side up/right way up (=with the part that is going to be used, or that has words or pictures on it on top))  (Put the playing cards right side up on the table.) 12 so as to receive attention  (The question of a pay rise came up again during the meeting.) 13 above and including a certain amount or level  (Power was lost from the tenth floor up. | Children of twelve up must pay full fare.) 14 up and down a) higher and lower  (The crowd were jumping up and down and screaming excitedly. | look sb up and down (=look at someone in order to judge their appearance or character))  (Maisie looked her rival critically up and down.) b) backwards and forwards  (Ralph paced up and down the room looking agitated.) 15 up to a) up to and including a certain amount or level  (Up to six people (=any number between one and six) can sleep in the caravan.) b) also up till if something happens up to a certain time, date etc it happens until that time  (She continued to care for her father up to the time of his death.) c) clever, good, or well enough for a particular purpose or in order to do something  (I'm afraid Tim just isn't up to the job. (=not good enough to do it properly) | Gemma isn't really up to long walks at the moment. (=too ill to do them) | up to doing)  (My German isn't up to translating that letter.) d) if something is up to a particular standard it is good enough to reach that standard  (The new CD is not up to the group's usual standard.) e) doing something secret or something that you shouldn't be doing  (The children are very quiet; I wonder what they're up to. | up to no good (=doing something wrong or illegal))  (I'll bet that Joe and his mates are up to no good as usual.) 16 it's up to you spoken used to tell someone that they must make a decision themselves  ("Shall we have red wine or white?" "It's up to you.") 17 up to your ears/eyes/neck in informal deeply involved in a difficult or illegal situation  (Rona and Colin are up to their ears in debt. (=they owe a lot of money)) 18 up the workers!/up the reds! etc spoken used to express support and encouragement for a particular group of people or for a sports team ~2 prep 1 towards or in a higher place  (We climbed slowly up the hill. | The water was getting up my nose.) 2 towards or at the top or far end of  (Her office is up those stairs. | They live just up the road. (=further along the road from here)) 3 if you sail or go up a river you go towards its source1 (4)  (a boat trip up the Bosphorus) 4 BrE spoken used to mean to or at a particular place, although most people think this is incorrect  (Do you fancy going up the town?) 5 up yours! spoken taboo used to insult someone when they have done or said something that annoys you  ("You'll never get promoted, you're not good enough." "Up yours!") ~3 adj 1 not in bed  (Are the kids still up?) 2 if a road is up, its surface is being repaired 3 if a computer system is up, it is working  (- opposite down2 (5)) 4 if a number, level, or amount is up, it is higher than before  (Inflation is up by 2%.) + on  (Profits are up on last year.) two goals up/three points up (=having two goals, three points etc more than your opponents)  (United were a goal up at half time.) 5 if a ball is up in tennis or similar sports, it has only hit the ground once and therefore can be hit back by the opponent 6 be up and about informal to be well enough to walk about and have a normal life after you have been in bed because of an illness or accident 7 be up to here (with) spoken to be very upset and angry because of a particular situation or person  (I'm up to here with this job; I'm resigning!) 8 be up and down if someone is up and down, they sometimes feel well or happy and sometimes do not  (Jason's been very up and down since his girlfriend left him.) 9 be up against to have to deal with a difficult situation or fight an opponent  (He came up against a lot of problems with his previous boss. | be up against it)  (Murphy will be really up against it when he faces the reigning champion this afternoon.) 10 be up before informal to appear in a court of law because you have been accused of a crime  (He was up before the Magistrates court charged with grievous bodily harm.) 11 be up for a) to be intended for a particular purpose  (The house is up for sale. | Even the most taboo subjects were up for discussion.) b) to appear in a court of law because you have been accused of a crime  (Ron's up for drinking and driving next week.) 12 be (well) up on/in/with informal to know a lot about something 13 spoken if something is up, someone is feeling unhappy because they have problems, or there is something wrong in a situation  (I could tell by the look on Joan's face that something was up.)  (Is something up with Julie? She looks really miserable.) what's up?  (What's up? Why are you crying?) 14 not be up to much spoken to not be of a very good quality or standard  (The food in that restaurant isn't up to much.) 15 informal if a period of time is up, it is finished  (The President may be asked to resign before his four-year term is up.) 16 informal when food or drink is up it is ready to be eaten or drunk  (Dinner's up!) 17 be up and running if a new system or process is up and running, it is working properly  (The New York office was up and running in about half the time it took us in Paris.) 18 up to speed knowing the necessary latest information or situation  (getting top-level managers up to speed on developments in on-line services) ~4 n 1 be on an up spoken to feel happy, especially after being upset and unhappy  (Kevin seems to be on an up at the moment; I hope it lasts.) 2 ups and downs informal the mixture of good and bad experiences that happen in any situation or relationship  (We have our ups and downs like all couples.) 3 on the up and up informal a) BrE improving and becoming more successful, especially financially b) AmE not hiding anything; honest ~5 v 1 to increase the amount or level of something  (They've upped their offer by a further 5%.) 2 up and ... if you up and do something, you suddenly start to do something different or surprising  (up and leave)  (Without saying another word, he upped and left.)
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  I. [c red]PREPOSITION, ADVERB, AND ADJECTIVE USES Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: 'Up' is often used with verbs of movement such as ‘jump’ and ‘pull’, and also in phrasal verbs such as ‘give up’ and ‘wash up’. Please look at category 22 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword. 1. If a person or thing goes up something such as a slope, ladder, or chimney, they move away from the ground or to a higher position. They were climbing up a narrow mountain road... I ran up the stairs and saw Alison lying at the top... The heat disappears straight up the chimney. ? down PREP • Up is also an adverb. Finally, after an hour, I went up to Jeremy’s room... Intense balls of flame rose up into the sky... He put his hand up. ? down ADV: ADV after v, oft ADV prep/adv 2. If a person or thing is up something such as a ladder or a mountain, they are near the top of it. He was up a ladder sawing off the tops of his apple trees... The Newton Hotel is halfway up a steep hill. ? down PREP • Up is also an adverb. ...a research station perched 4000 metres up on the lip of the crater. ADV: ADV after v 3. You use up to indicate that you are looking or facing in a direction that is away from the ground or towards a higher level. Paul answered, without looking up... Keep your head up, and look around you from time to time. ADV: ADV after v 4. If someone stands up, they move so that they are standing. He stood up and went to the window... He got up and went out into the foyer. ADV: ADV after v 5. If you go or look up something such as a road or river, you go or look along it. If you are up a road or river, you are somewhere along it. A line of tanks came up the road from the city... We leaned on the wooden rail of the bridge and looked up the river... He had a relation who lived up the road. ? down PREP: v PREP n 6. If you are travelling to a particular place, you can say that you...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   abbreviation Upper Peninsula (of Michigan) UP  I. adverb  Etymology: partly from Middle English ~ ~ward, from Old English up; partly from Middle English ~pe on high, from Old English; both akin to Old High German uf ~ and probably to Latin sub under, Greek hypo under, hyper over — more at over  Date: before 12th century  1.  a.  (1) in or into a higher position or level; especially away from the center of the earth  (2) from beneath the ground or water to the surface  (3) from below the horizon  (4) ~stream 1  (5) in or into an ~right position sit ~; especially out of bed  b. ~ward from the ground or surface pull ~ a daisy  c. so as to expose a particular surface  2. with greater intensity speak ~  3.  a. in or into a better or more advanced state  b. at an end your time is ~  c. in or into a state of greater intensity or excitement  d. to or at a greater speed, rate, or amount prices went ~  e. in a continual sequence ; in continuance from a point or to a point from third grade ~ at prices of $10 and ~ ~ until now  4.  a.  (1) into existence, evidence, prominence, or prevalence  (2) into operation or practical form  b. into consideration or attention bring ~ for discussion  5. into possession or custody  6.  a. entirely, completely button ~ your coat  b. — used as an intensifier clean ~ the house  7. in or into storage ; by lay ~ s~plies  8.  a. so as to arrive or approach  b. in a direction conventionally the opposite of down:  (1) to windward  (2) northward  (3) to or at the top  (4) to or at the rear of a theatrical stage  9. in or into parts  10. to a stop — usually used with draw, bring, fetch, or pull  11. for each side the score is 15 ~  II. adjective  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. risen above the horizon the sun is ~  b. standing  c. being out of bed  d. relatively high the river is ~ was well ~ in her class  e. being in a raised position ; lifted windows are ~  f. being in a state of completion ; constructed, built...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  сокр. от microprocessor микропроцессор ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) вверх 2) поднимать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. поезд, автобус и т. п., идущий в большой город, в столицу или на север 2. редк. лицо, занимающее высокое положение 3. редк. предмет, находящийся наверху 4. сл. приятная мысль; приятное событие that's an up —- это поднимает настроение 5. ам. сл. возбуждающий наркотик, стимулянт Id: in two ups —- австрал. в момент моментально, мигом Id: on the up —- поднимающийся, растущий Id: the curve is steadily on the up —- кривая все время идет вверх Id: on the up and up —- честный, открытый; честно, открыто; преуспевающий, процветающий 6. следующий в большой город, столицу или на север (о поезде, автобусе и т. п.) an up train —- поезд, идущий в столицу и т. п. the up platform —- платформа, у которой останавливаются поезда, идущие в столицу и т. п. 7. поднимающийся вверх with a slight up gradient —- с небольшим подъемом 8. растущий; улучшающийся the up trend —- тенденция к росту 9. шипучий (о напитках) 10. живой, оживленный 11. разг. быстрый (о темпе в джазовой или танцевальной музыке) 12. разг. поднимать he upped one end of the plank —- он приподнял конец доски 13. разг. повышать (цены и т. п.) they upped the prices —- они повысили цены do you want me to hip fee? —- вы хотите, чтобы я повысил его гонорар? 14. увеличивать (выпуск продукции и т. п.) they are upping production —- они...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adv.  1) указывает на нахождение наверху или на более высокое положение; наверху; выше; high up in the air - высоко в небе или в воздухе; she lives three floors up - она живет тремя этажами выше  2) указывает на подъем наверх, вверх; he went up - он пошел наверх; up and down - вверх и вниз; взад и вперед [см. тж. up and down ]; hands up! - руки вверх!  3) указывает на увеличение, повышение в цене, в чине, в значении и т.п.; выше; the corn is up - хлеб подорожал; age 12 up - от 12 лет и старше  4) указывает на приближение; a boy came up - подошел мальчик  5) указывает на близость или сходство; he is up to his father as a scientist - как ученый он не уступает своему отцу  6) указывает на переход из горизонтального положения в вертикальное или от состояния покоя к деятельности; he is up - он встал; he was up all night - он не спал, был на ногах всю ночь  7) указывает на истечение срока, завершение или результат действия; Parliament is up - сессия парламента закрылась; it is all up with him - с ним все покончено; the house burned up - дом сгорел дотла; to eat up - съесть; to save up - скопить  8) указывает на совершение действия; something is up - что-то происходит; что-то затевается; whats up? - в чем дело?, что случилось?  9) sport впереди; he is two points up - он на два очка впереди своего противника -...
Англо-русский словарь
  st. & loc. abbr. Upper Peninsula U.S. gov. abbr. Unlimited Power country abbr. Upper Peninsula railroad abbr. Union Pacific Railroad Company chemis. abbr. Usine De Plutonium univ. abbr. University of Portland univ. abbr. University of Pittsburgh univ. abbr. University of the Philippines univ. abbr. University of Pennsylvania adult abbr. Utterly Pathetic gen. comp. abbr. User Profile sport abbr. Utilizing Potential gen. bus. abbr. Un Planned firm name abbr. University Press ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. up, uppe, from PIE *upo "up from below." Meaning "exhilarated, happy" first attested 1815. Verb meaning "get up" (as in up and leave) is first attested 1643; the meaning "increase" (as in up the price of oil) is from 1915. The verb "to drive and catch swans" is 1560. Up-and-coming "promising" is from 1848; up-to-date is from 1888. Up the river "in jail" first recorded 1891, originally in reference to Sing Sing, which is up the Hudson from New York City. To drive someone up the wall (1951) is from the notion of the behavior of lunatics or caged animals. Upping block is from 1796. UP - prefix with various senses, from O.E. up (see up), corresponding to similar prefixes in other Gmc. languages. Some examples are upbringing (1520); upcoming (1954, in the sense of "forthcoming"); update (v.) (1948, the noun is from 1967); upheaval (1838, from M.E. verb upheave); uphold (v.) (12c.); upscale (adj.) first recorded 1966; upstairs (1596 as an adj.; 1872 as a noun); uptown (1802). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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